Saturday, November 17, 2012

Family Roots Project

My mom’s side of the family came in the 1600’s. John Alden was on the Mayflower in 1620. He is from my family. My mom’s family was strict Christians. There is a museum that has John Alden’s belongings and other information about him. The long journey was probably paid for with all the group’s money together. My family wanted me to know about religion. They also wanted me to work hard, be honest, get educated, and have me never live during a great depression. These are some facts about my mother’s side of the family.
My dad’s side of the family traveled differently than my mom’s. His father traveled to Cuba, and then he snuck into the United States. His father got to America in 1927. His mother came in 1921, and then they married each other in 1942. My father’s cousin Dorene told me a story about her grandmother (my father’s mother’s mother, Gitel). She would always sit in the front of the temple, and when the rabbi said something wrong, she would correct him. These are some facts about my father’s family.
There are many interesting facts about my family. My mother’s side came to the United States on The Mayflower. John Alden traveled on the Mayflower to the United States, and was the first to set foot in Plymouth Rock. My grandfather on my mother’s side was Richard Nixon’s roommate in law school, and my grandfather on my father’s side was a Founder of the Communist Party of Cuba. My father’s mother (my grandmother) survived cancer. These are some of the interesting facts of my family.
Learning your family roots is very important. One reason this is important is because we will not know our history if we do not get it now. Once we know their history we can pass it on to the next generation. Another reason learning about our family roots is important is because we can avoid their mistakes. If we know what they did we can change the way we do it.